Join us in congratulating our Sisters renewing vows: Sr. Josephine Mary renewed for 1 year and Sr. Mary Elizabeth renewed for 3 years. May the Lord bring to completion the worked He has began in them! Please remember these Sisters in your prayers.
We congratulate Sister Maria Dominique on her First Profession of Vows. Please join us in praying for her perseverance as she begins this new stage of her religious life.
On September 13, 2023, Tammy became Sister Marie Therese. Please join us in prayer for her perseverance as she begins this time of formation as Novice.
The Church teaches that the Blessed Virgin Mary, upon her death, was assumed into Heaven by the power of God. But how do we explain the Assumption, if we can’t find direct evidence of it in the Bible? Join Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, as he reveals how Scripture, Sacred Apostolic Tradition, and the Magisterium guide us Catholics in our way of life. Then be inspired by the story of the Dominican Sisters of Hawthorne, New Jersey, whose “Nightwatch” ministry is a lifeline to the elderly and infirmed.
The Divine Mercy website Marians of the Immaculate Conception website Many know Nathaniel Hawthorne as one of the most famous writers in American history. But did you know that his daughter, Rose, was a Catholic convert who founded her own religious order, and is on the path to sainthood? Sr. Diana Marie Andrews, O.P., herself a Catholic convert and vocation director for the Hawthorne Dominicans, shares how Rose Hawthorne, who took the religious name Mother Mary Alphonsa, had a love for Christ that overflowed into serving terminal cancer patients, and how that work continues to this day. Mother Mary Alphonsa died on July 9, 1926, and her cause for canonization was approved in 2003, meaning that she is being considered by the Catholic Church for possible formal recognition as a saint.
THE COMING HOME NETWORK INTERNATIONAL Visit their site: In February of this year, The Coming Home Network invited Sr. Diana Marie, OP to join them as a guest on their EWTN program The Journey Home. The Coming Home Network is an apostolate dedicated to helping men and women from a variety of faith backgrounds, including Protestant clergy, as they explore the Catholic Faith. They provide a variety of resources to those they help, most of which are entirely free of charge to those they are travelling with. For more information, past episodes of The Journey Home, and many wonderful videos and written conversion stories, check out their website: The episode where Sister shared her story airred on Monday June 19, 2023 and we were able to watch it as a community. You can see it here: JOURNEY HOME - 2023-06-19 - SR DIANA MARIE ANDREWS, O.P. - YouTube
The Dominicans Sisters of Hawthorne and Voyage Comics are publishing a new comic book on the life of the Servant of God, Rose Hawthorne. Servant of the Suffering: Rose Hawthorne is schedule for shipping in July! We are really excited about this project as yet another way of telling Mother Mary Alphonsa's (Rose Hawthorne) story of God's grace.
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December 2024